onsdag 17 december 2008

University Guide

torsdag 27 november 2008

Thanksgiving in the USA

Now it's Thanksgiving in the USA and the New York Times has published the following clips.

One is about a project to help women in Pakistan and
the other is about how to cut your Thanksgiving turkey.

There is also another clip about how American money is helping Afganistanis get there education.

onsdag 15 oktober 2008

Read this English C

An article from The New York Times .
Another article from DN.
What's your conclusion?

söndag 31 augusti 2008

Another fun game from the BBC

Viral Vinnie, the host of Gut Instinct

Gut Instinct

Can you match Viral Vinnie's appetite for English, Maths and Science? Play Gut Instinct and find out!

Click on the picture!

English, Maths and Science in a fun game from the BBC

Game - Questionaut

Journey through strange worlds and test your knowledge of English, Maths and Science on this magical mission to recover your friend’s hat.

Click on the picture to get there!

onsdag 20 augusti 2008

Spelling - Activity

Punctuation - Activity

Language structure - Activity

Adjectives and adverbs - Activity

Compound and complex sentences - Activity

Insändare på BBC-Languages-Your say

Learning a language opens up another world

I arrived in Sweden in October last year without any knowledge of the place, its culture or its language. One year on, I still feel that I am only scratching the surface of integrating into the Swedish way of life.
It has been very difficult to learn Swedish for two reasons: first, the Swedes almost all speak perfect English; second, all the language training is grammatically based. As someone who was educated without learning English grammar, it is now twice as difficult to learn a foreign language. Persistence has been the only way to learn and I am now able to have full scale conversations.
I would say that if you plan to come and live in Sweden or any of the Scandinavian countries you will be made more welcome if you make the effort to learn the language. Sir Trevor McDonald's comments about a monolinguistic society are absolutely true - learn another language and the world opens up for you.

Sent by: Gordon