tisdag 29 mars 2011

New vocabulary (found in our novels):

Glaucoma - Starr
Flex - Sladd
Ford - Vada över
Tarpaulin - Presenning
Congeal - Frysa till is / stelna
Gully - Dike
Opaque - Oklar / Ogenomskinlig
Cauterize - Bränna
Totter - Vackla
Toll (verb) - klämta / ringa
Gryke - Ravin
Apparition - Spökbild / uppenbarelse

/Markus O

Wordlist for Greed written by Chris Ryan

Loo - toa
Agriculture - jordbruk
Reckon - tycka
Layabouts - latmask
Dinghy - jolle
Marksmen - skyttar
Knack - knep
Fencing - häleri
Vessel - fartyg

/Linn J

En till låt på franska

Il y a (texten finns här) Ny låt med Vanessa Paradis, videon är regisserad av Johnny Depp.

Encore des paroles ici!

torsdag 17 mars 2011

Skandinaviska författare säljer bra i Frankrike!

«Un âge d'or.» C'est le géant suédois Per Olov Enquist qui utilise cette expression à propos des lettres nordiques. Comment mieux résumer la situation? Depuis plusieurs décennies, ces cinq pays qui totalisent à peine 25 millions d'habitants ne cessent de faire parler d'eux. Nourris aux sagas islandaises, les écrivains du Nord ont le conte dans la peau.

Le Figaro : Le Salon du livre aux pays de glaces.

fredag 11 mars 2011

torsdag 10 mars 2011

Collecting new words!

Nincompoop and discombobulate were new and fun acquaintancies!

Please e-mail me more words!
They do not necessarily have to be that odd and new expressions are just as welcome!

Here is what Markus wrote:
All the words that I have learned quite recently

Belay=To cause to stop.
Inroad=An advance, especially at another's expense; an encroachment.
Epitome= A representative or perfect example of a class or type/A brief summary, as of a book or article; an abstract.
Immaculate=Free from stain or blemish; pure.
Dichotomy=Division into two usually contradictory parts or opinions/The phase of the moon, Mercury, or Venus when half of the disk is illuminated.
Obtuse=Linguistic ambiguity, lacking sharpness or quickness of sensibility.

And a number of other that I am not able to remember right now.

Apropå Internationella kvinnodagen här om dan...

onsdag 9 mars 2011


måndag 7 mars 2011

Stressful questions?

Here is one of the comments:
"You cant even spell Tony Blair and even understand Ireland is not just Ireland but Northern Ireland is part of the UK and the currency is pounds, whilst Republic of Ireland is not part of the UK and the currency is Euros."
What is your opinion?

söndag 6 mars 2011